Thursday, November 15, 2012

Emery Turns 4

We went down to see Wee Babe #1 for her birthday a while back and I needed to post a few pix- not the best (forgot my camera...again). One of the things we got her was a little box of dress up princess clothes, much to Taylor's chagrin. He never wanted her to have any princessy type stuff. Oh well, that's what grandparents do...what they want to! We met them at Chick-fil-A. We were eating and all of a sudden, her face just lit up. We turned around and there was the Chick-fil-A cow, so we had to get a picture of her with her/him (it was a unisex suit so I couldn't tell... couldn't see an udder or any "udder" things either)

1 comment:

  1. Has it seriously been four years already? Man, time flies by when you get old and senile. She's a gem, brotha. Give those cheeks a pinch for me.
