Saturday, December 22, 2012

End Of The World

Well, I guess it didn't happen... the end of the world. But, that's ok, didn't have time for the end of the world anyway, I had a lot of Christmas shopping to do. And if I don't get that done, it WILL be the end of the world.

I do love this shortest day/longest night business, though. Every year, I tell the family that after this day, the days start to get longer. Always gives me hope that sometime, things will "spring" back to life and the days will get warmer. Now, that would mean something if it had been really cold and if there was a lot of snow. We've had much of neither. It usually happens that Mother Nature waits to give us all of our snow in the spring so she can freeze our fruit trees. What do you do, you don't mess with Mother Nature.

Happy Winter everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Moment Frozen in Time

Well, it happened. Remember the other day when it was the 12th of December of 2012? Well, I've got the moment captured in time- frozen, if you will...   12 Dec of 2012, at 12:12:12pm... that would be 12/12/12 @ 12:12:12. Isn't that cool! Something like that will never happen again!

P.S.... shhhh, but don't tell anyone, but it's really like every other second in time that will never happen again... LOL!

Monday, December 3, 2012

To Tweeze Or Not

It's the little things in life... don't you think?

You know when you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror, tears streaming down your face... no, not from the reflection of the aging, sagging, bulging mass in front of you, but from "tweezing" those pesky little nose hairs! Dang I hate that- nothing worse in the world. I know it ranks right up there with child birth- women just have no idea. Anyway, my girls have been after me to go get my nose waxed... are you kidding me? "It doesn't even hurt" they say. Yeah, right. Have they "tweezed" a nose hair? I think not, else they'd not even suggest such a torture. Can you imagine plucking the whole wad at once? One is bad enough! Well, Brenda tricked me the other night when we were on our way home from our date. "Let's stop and see Madison on our way home" she says. OK, no problem, I like to see my girl at work (she is the receptionist at a cosmetology school). They had it all set up for the "yanking of the hairs". After having the "hot wax on-a-stick" shoved up each nostril (one at a time... but I was wondering if that's how the pharaohs of old felt when being mummified- getting those hot pokers shoved up the nose to scramble those brains...), then had to wait for about 5 minutes for the wax to harden. The cosmetologist-in-training said, "are you ready?" No, I like sticks in my nose... she put one hand on my forehead and grabbed that stick and pulled quickly... BAM- done! I couldn't believe it... no tears! The stick looked like an unfinished Tootsie-Pop that's been under your bed for years. I can't wait for my nose hairs to grow so I can go again. Now, I wonder if they do ears, hmmmmm. :D