Saturday, December 22, 2012

End Of The World

Well, I guess it didn't happen... the end of the world. But, that's ok, didn't have time for the end of the world anyway, I had a lot of Christmas shopping to do. And if I don't get that done, it WILL be the end of the world.

I do love this shortest day/longest night business, though. Every year, I tell the family that after this day, the days start to get longer. Always gives me hope that sometime, things will "spring" back to life and the days will get warmer. Now, that would mean something if it had been really cold and if there was a lot of snow. We've had much of neither. It usually happens that Mother Nature waits to give us all of our snow in the spring so she can freeze our fruit trees. What do you do, you don't mess with Mother Nature.

Happy Winter everyone!

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I'm more of a longest day / shortest night kind of guy, but I must say that I do enjoy a long winter's nap.
