Sunday, September 16, 2012

2012 Zaugg Reunion

Oops... I guess I forgot to post this... Well, here it is.

It's that time again- family reunion time. We went, we saw, we ate, then ate some more. Here is Methuselah and Methuselahlita- still going strong. Mom is 93 and Dad will be 98 next month... unbelievable.
Oh, I guess I forgot to publish this. Here are a few more pix.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, your parents look pretty danged good for having nearly 200 years between them. I'm hoping I look that good when 98 I am. And let me ask you one question. Does that wife of yours EVER age? Geez! Here I am without a hair on my head, wrinkles in every nook and cranny of my body (ew), and hair growing out of places I didn't even know about until a couple of years ago, and she still looks like she did when I met her 30 years ago. I mean, come on! It's very discouraging to those of us who DO age.
