Monday, December 27, 2010

Feliz Navidad

Talk about a bad case of the Ebeneezers this year. I (Doug) for one, had an over-flowing ginormous bag of it. "If I could work my will," said Scrooge indignantly, "every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!" Hardly listened to any Christmas music or watched any Christmas movies... well, of course I watched The Grinch- I was taking some lessons from him. "Blast those Whos!" But, things got much better when all the fam got together. Madison and Jake came up from AZ, Rory up from SLC, Sydney down from USU, and Emery up from SLC- then the games began and mass quantities of food was consumed. The only down side was that Emery, Syd, Brenda, and I all had some kind of cold or sickness- most likely we will pass it on to the rest of the family... why wouldn't we? We also visited with Gpa and Gma Little and Zaugg (trying to keep our distance cold-wise) and went to see Tangled , that new Disney flick. It was very good, but I got a bit of a hairball. Brenda also had a work party breakfast, to which all the fam was invited. She made the yummy syrup to immerse our pancakes in- dang! The rest of the holiday break we spent time watching movies, eating more, playing more games, and eating again... "...I ate too much, I drank too much... too much!" "Blast that water weight, goes straight to my hips!" Well, I tried to capture some the activities in pics below. Oh dang! There is one song that I haven't heard this year that I need to... Cheech and Chong's- Santa Claus and His Old Lady... The season won't be complete without it! And one more thing, I must end with my Christmas wish... I wish... whirled peas to all, and to all a good night :)

gpa Little

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