Sunday, November 14, 2010

Antelope Island

All these years living so close and I've never really been out to see Antelope Island. Our inspiration to do so came when a visitor from our old neighborhood in Charlton Massachusetts called to pay us a visit- Rick Cayer. He is on a 2-3 week road trip which started back east and will take him from here in Utah, up to Seattle and down the coast to San Diego. He will then fly home to be with his family for Thanksgiving. We had a great visit with him, as he told us of his many adventures that he had had so far.

With anticipation of his arrival, we were a bit hard pressed to figure out what we were going to do with him or where to take him (as there is not much around here)- he wouldn't be here that long to make any big plans, as he was on a pretty tight schedule. Anyway, I thought perhaps Antelope Island or to the Airplane museum at Hill Air Force Base- he chose the prior as you can tell from the pics. So, on our way down to SLC for dinner, we bopped on out to the island.

As we drove around, trying to find the visitors center, wondering to ourselves, "Why would anyone want to come camping out here in this desolate, bug-infested, foul-smelling, parcel of God's chosen land?" Well, I don't think I would go camping, but I think it would be fun to bike to and around the island. There is quite a bit of wildlife; antelope (duh), bison, pronghorn (not an antelope at all :) ), big-horn sheep, etc. Check out Rick and his pet, Bobby the Buffalo.

For the short time that we were out there, I came to realize even a deserted desert isle has it's beauties. I really wish that we would have had more time to explore and do, but that will have to be an adventure for another time.

Thanks for coming Ricky Cayer, and reminding us that... "...if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard ..." Dorthy. I guess that goes for looking for beauties that we finally realize are right in our own backyards.

We also had Emery this weekend- always a joy to have, and she's even starting to say 'please'! She had turned TWO YEARS OLD! this past week... where has the time gone. One thing we didn't get any pics of or videos of (it would have been so fun to share)... you know how much fun it is to have a flashlight and shine it on the floor and walls and have the cat chase it? Welllll, this was even much more fun. We have a laser heat gun which checks food temps. We had that going on the floor and playing with the wee babe, just so much fun to watch- her facial expressions... priceless.

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