Monday, February 17, 2014

"Man, I Feel Like A Man"

I changed a word in the lyrics, but, Thanks Shania Twain.

This past weekend, I really felt like a man.  Let me tell you why.  No, not because it was Valentine's Day weekend- that's a given.  Got her flowers?  Of course I got her flowers!  (Whew!)  No,  it's because I took care of a few items that needed to be done.

1. The washing machine had been on the blink for a couple of months (I wonder if that's why people don't want to sit by me... "Stench?  Of what speakest thou?  The air is sweet and fragrant..." Sir Ditimus, Labyrinth).  I had been washing the clothes at my dad's).  Anyway, I finally got the part ordered and got it installed- BAM!  No dFL error code is gonna keep me down!  One- done.

2.  Sydney had called earlier that week and said she needed help changing some lights in her car.  So, after I had finished the washing machine, she and I checked out the car and figured out which lights needed to be replaced.  I told her to pick those up after she and her mom attended a party they had been invited to.  Me?  I went on to the next project.

3.  I went over to my Dad's and did the the laundry and cleaning like I usually do on Saturday... that doesn't really make me a man (although more men should more cleaning), but I'm taking this one... BAM!  Two- done.

4.  Sydney and her mom came back and I took those lights and replaced the faulty ones in her car.  I told her to check those lights to make sure they worked- they lit up like the lights on Charley Brown's Christmas tree (not as many as on a regular one).  BAM!  Three- done.

Sydney was so thankful for the help- Dads are the best, aren't they?  They can help their little princesses in distress (sometimes).  I told the ladies how manly I was feeling that day, then Brenda reminded me that I had also run five miles that morning.  Again, running does not make one a man, but again, I'm gonna take this one, too. BAM!  Four- done.

So, there you go, a few of the reasons for my feeling extra manly last weekend.  I would say that I feel like a man's man, but it's a shame you can't use that phrase anymore- well, I guess you could, but it just doesn't seem the same these days.  So, I'll say I feel like a lady's man... there, now that does sounds better.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you ARE a man! I LOVE it when plans like this come together. Changing the lights in the car? No problem, sweetie! Fixing the dryer door? You bet! Power-washing the deck? Done before breakfast! Solving world hunger? Might take a little longer, but sure, why not? I LOVE the feeling of getting things accomplished. I guess I'm just a checklist kind of guy. Glad you're getting stuff done, too, brotha.
