Monday, June 17, 2013

Day of Dapapa

How was the everyone's Father's Day weekend? Friday, Brenda took the day off and we went on a 60 mile bike ride up in the great Cache Valley. It was very nice- took our time and enjoyed each others company. Luckily it was not a hot day- nice and cool to start out. Brenda got a flat tire- I fixed it. I guess that's what I get for drafting off her all the way (jk). Then we visited and had dinner with her mom... since we were in the neighborhood (Cache Valley). We would have been dead meat if she'd have found out we were that close and not stopped in to see her. I think we've finally recovered from the ride. We're looking to do more of those "fun" rides throughout the summer. We might be in your neighborhood next. Get the grill ready! We had most of the kids here (and the grand girls), except for Rory of course. We went to the zoo (which was kind of lame- as I kept comparing it to the Animal Kingdom @ Disneyworld). The kids and us had driven separately to the zoo, so on the way home, Brenda and I stopped @ Trader Joes and got a salad, bagel chips and humus and had a little picnic on the lawn of the city/county building in SLC- nice. We felt like trendy jet-setters.

Sunday I scored an Almond Snickers @ church, had luau burgers (the kind we served @ our restaurant; teriyaki soaked burger and fresh grilled pineapple, swiss cheese, bacon) and sweet potato fries for lunch, had the Ancient of Days (my dad) over as well, like we do every Sunday, then went over and made him his annual favorite treat that evening- root beer freezes. All in all, a splendid day. Brenda was missing her dad, of course. She was asked to give the opening prayer in Sacrament @ church- she didn't know if she was going to be able to do it. She broke down a wee bit, but pulled it together. She got through the day as I got through Mother's Day- we move along.

1 comment:

  1. One of these days, brotha, we're going to ride togetha. I went golfing yesterday for the first time in three years and then rode ten miles as fast as I could possibly go. Felt great, but I was tired last night. Salmon, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and steak at our house for Papa's Day. Mmmm. Got some leftovers for lunch today. I wish that day came more than once a year.
