Friday, March 2, 2012

Forever Young

39- again? Well, you've caught up with me now, so, no more old jokes, OK? This is quite a milestone in anyone's life and you seem to be taking it like a champ... at least this morning anyway (it's only been a few hours). We'll see how you do the in the days to come... most likely with a stiff upper lip... and an aching back :) Just remember, it's all downhill from here... I guess I shouldn't say that, eh?

Turning 50, it's not so bad though, right? Don't you think this is fun, growing old together? Can't you wait until we're like my mom and dad? NOT! (Don't forget to tell the girls to use the pillow on me, OK?) But for now, Brendr, my sweet, while we are still semi-OK, I will continue to love you. And you may ask- "how will you love me?" And I will respond, "I will love thee like the stars in the heavens... cincuenta". A happy cincuenta years to you, Love. And BTW, you've still got it sister!

1 comment:

  1. Fifty? You've GOT to be kidding, dude. She still looks like she did when I first met her back in the middle 80's. Fifty? There's no way. More like 30! You DO still got it, sister! Happy Birthday!!
