Friday, July 1, 2011

The Princess in the Peas

It's been a few weeks ago, but on one of those Emery weekends, we had so much fun with her in the garden and she was having the time of her life. I thought, "you know, the peas are coming on... maybe I'll introduce her to the pea patch". After that, I couldn't get her out of the garden! She loved the peas and kept going back for more.

Gpa Great was also watering the garden. She would walk up and down the rows in the furrows talking and singing to herself, and just squishing the mud between her fingers and toes. (The next day after it dried, you could see her little feet prints all over the place- ooooooh!)

The corn was just about as "High as an elephant's eye...", no it wasn't, sorry Oklahoma fans, but it was just about as tall as she is, and she would walk up and down the rows with her arms stretched out wide, singing "La la la, la la la...." It was so dang cute. On the video below, if you turn up the sound enough, you might be able to hear her.

As I was helping Gpa Great water and hoe the garden, I hear behind me "It's delicious!" I turn around and she is licking the mud off of her fingers. "It's delicious!" I hear again- what a sweet pea!

Tell me again why they have to grow up??????

1 comment:

  1. If I had the answer to that question, dude, I'd be at the Mayo Clinic. Does this look like the Mayo Clinic?
