Monday, October 4, 2010


This little girl is just so much fun! Check out these pics. She grows so much between times that we get to see her. She is talking so much more, too, and starting to put words together, like- "hssus, eeting", and "'Nando, running" ('Nando is short for Fernando the cat), and "kees, bak". Taylor her papa, taught her something so funny- "Emery, what does a turtle say". She says "Duuuuude" (You Disney fans will recognize that to be the voice of Crush). So cute! But when we want her to say "please" when asking for something, she says- "crickets". I don't mean to say she says "crickets", but that we here nothing, that's right, silence. She just gives us a look like, "why should I say it, you'll give it to me anyway". We're still working on it... but just look at that face! How could we deny her anything? Yeah, we don't, but we're the grandparents and that's our job, dang it! :)

Two of the pics were when Emery and GpaZ were on their Sunday walk. There were these little Billy Goats Gruff and we stopped to visit. They just wanted to eat her right up... why wouldn't they? Oh, and the outfit she is wearing with the hat, her papa is responsible for that, the GpaZs deny all accountability....